Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Trip to Hampi

Right so after I last left you it all went horribly wrong. I woke up yesterday with dehydration and heat echaustion. Felt terribly sick and had to check out of the place I was staying at 8am after crying on recetion they agreed to let me stay till nine. So whilst feeling completely lousy I set off into Panjim with the aim to entertain myself and somehow feel better defore the night bus at 19.30. I managed to waste a couple of hours in a cafe before they announced they had to shut which I thought was rather wierd only to walk outside to find that most places were shut. Apparently yesterday was a National Holiday so with nothing better to do I went and sat in a church (even after old Goa). I then found an Internet cafe that was open and even better air conditioned so I spent 3 hours wasting time on the internet. I don't think you can understand how lonely I felt yesterday morning I realised that since I left Goa the only people I had talked to were people who wanted money off me. I was so close to booking a ticket home (I'm still considering it but am seeing if I start to feel any better before doing it).

Dehydration and heat ehaustion sorted I found a bar - restaurant that was empty but were quite happy for me to sit and watch telly with them. A few people drifted in and out one of whom seeing my bag asked if I was catching the Hampi Coach (yes I was) and we sat together till coach catching time. I ended up on the coach sat with some Isreali and Irish people who I'm now sharing with in Hampi.

So today in Hampi after arriving very early. I've lazed about had breakfast and been to visit a temple (which included a long walk in sweltering heats - 37 degrees no less but don't worry I'm taking care of myself) and there are monkeys here lots of them.

I'm feeling better than I did yesterday but still not really enjoying myself at the moment and the prodpect of doing this for another 6 weeks isn't seeming appealing. I'm going to keep on going for a few more days then see how I feel.

Sorry for such a gloomy post but couldn't bring myself to sit an type how much fun I'm having when the past few days I haven't been. Also can I apologise for my spelling and punctuation I'm doing this on a keyboard with no letters and the comma doesn't work.

I'm missing you all lots and'll in in touch in a few days with a hopefully happier post.



  1. Chin up x

    I felt like that for a bit when I went to Peru and it sucked :/ Wouldn't have swapped it for anything though because overall it rocked.

    You can't come back yet - the Victory Envelope doesn't have enough party money in it!

    If Hampi sucks, maybe contact the travel company and see if you could jiggle your itinerary around a bit so you can move on to somewhere more exciting ahead of schedule?

    Hope things pick up x

    Fru :)

  2. Chin up Auntie Vic.
    I hope since your last blog that you've had a better time of it. If so, can't wait for your next installment.....If not, then I can't think of anything profound to say, other than things may be a little pants right now, but they can surely only get better, can't they? Don't know that I'd have the bottle to do what you're doing. You're really brave and we're all so proud of you.
    Stick it out as long as long as you can chicken.
    Glad you explained about the comma, I kept running out of breath
    Keep your eyes on those monkeys. The ones in Mombassa were quite partial to fish goujons and bread rolls. Monkey "loving"
    Take care of you. We miss you too.
    Lots of love from the Birds. xxxx
    P.S. Sophie randomly said in the car today "Where is Auntie Vic now Daddy?" He said "India" and she replied "Is it sunny in India too Daddy?" Oh yes!!!

  3. Mum's here. She says "Hang in there - I suppose." Hmmm, she's doing better now, "Perhaps you could get on a trip in Kerala(?). Drink more water (with the beer), I'm sure you'll be okay. Love you. Thanks for the message for Dad's birthday. xx"
    It's still a bit early....
