Monday, March 16, 2009


So I've finally got on my way. I landed in Mumbai yesterday lunchtime somewhat tired and bewildered. My adventure began with a taxi driver who drove round for an hour before admitting that he had no idea where he was going. So in wisdom derived from my lack of sleep fuddled brain, I tried to give him directions. With the help of some very nice passers by we eventually reached my hotel (we had driven past it twice). Anyhow it was like having a personnal tour of the city, which I would never have done otherwise.
I have to admit it was all a bit daunting and had all but decided to spend the day lounging about in the hotel. However after an hours kip, I decided to stop being silly and venture outside. I spent the past two days, dodging traffic, sightseeing, ignoring beggars and eating. I don't know how I've managed to go so long without being run over. The drivers here seem to use there horns instead of brakes and what was a two lane road of traffic suddenly becomes four because people can't be bothered to wait. The only time they seem to drive a bit more carefully is around the many street cricket matches that are everywhere.
It's very boisterous and lively and I can't imagine spending much more time here and am looking forward to going to Goa tomorrow evening.
Also I get the exciting prospect of a sleeper train.
Amazingly the telly in my hotel room had a channel which was showing the rugby. So at a bizarrly late hour last night I got to watch the match.


  1. Have you not thrown 50rupees at any of the beggars and ran away giggling?

  2. Don't forget to have an Indian Rail breakfast. The one in Mumbai used to be especially good.
