Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So I've arrived in Mysore. After a sleeper train (cheap seats but perfectly okay for one night)from Hospet (awful spot)listenening to a man cough (I was convinced he had TB) and a brief moment of loosing Tatia in Bangalore train station (we were in different cabins and the station has no discernable layout) and a 3 hour coach journey (Bollywood Movie and AC included). First impressions are that it seems lovely. Very pleasent, I have only been asked 12 times if I would like an rickshaw.

I have been to see how they make incense and silk today and also around a fruit market and am off to a fancy restaurant where they have live traditional Indian Music!!! I am going on a mad 12 hour tourist trip around Mysore, which will hopefully include all the sights and I'll get to see a tiger (in a zoo).

On Thursday I'm off on a mad 3 day journey up to Calcutta, I'm going to spend a night or two there before heading up to Darjeeling (so don't expect to here from me for a couple of days). I'm having fun again, so alls good. Obviously this might change after spending 38 hours on a train. After experiencing sleeper class I've pushed the boat out and gone 2nd class AC, so at least I should get to look out of the window.

Next stop Calcutta.

Also today I've seen a cat walking round with a kitten half sticking out of its fanny, just thought I'd share.

Monday, March 30, 2009


I'm feeling a bit better, thankyou to everyone for there kind support.
Hampi's fun, lots of ruins, just very hot getting to them. I'm currently sat on a computer dripping sweat onto the keyboard (40degrees in the shade) I'm sweltering.

I go to Mysore tonight, I've got 2 days there (which I should be sightseeing with a lovely lady) and then I've decided to abandon the south and head to Darjeling (involves a 37hr train Journey - yes I am mad). From there I think I'm going to Head into Nepal and see about doing some trekking for a couple of weeks and then go back to India.

Still feeling very homesick, but looking forward to the next couple of days.

Also this morning I watched a elephant take her bath and the got blessed by said elephant, whats not to love about that.

You'll be pleased to now that the pesky monkeys here aren't quite as savvier pickpockets as the ones in Elephanta.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Trip to Hampi

Right so after I last left you it all went horribly wrong. I woke up yesterday with dehydration and heat echaustion. Felt terribly sick and had to check out of the place I was staying at 8am after crying on recetion they agreed to let me stay till nine. So whilst feeling completely lousy I set off into Panjim with the aim to entertain myself and somehow feel better defore the night bus at 19.30. I managed to waste a couple of hours in a cafe before they announced they had to shut which I thought was rather wierd only to walk outside to find that most places were shut. Apparently yesterday was a National Holiday so with nothing better to do I went and sat in a church (even after old Goa). I then found an Internet cafe that was open and even better air conditioned so I spent 3 hours wasting time on the internet. I don't think you can understand how lonely I felt yesterday morning I realised that since I left Goa the only people I had talked to were people who wanted money off me. I was so close to booking a ticket home (I'm still considering it but am seeing if I start to feel any better before doing it).

Dehydration and heat ehaustion sorted I found a bar - restaurant that was empty but were quite happy for me to sit and watch telly with them. A few people drifted in and out one of whom seeing my bag asked if I was catching the Hampi Coach (yes I was) and we sat together till coach catching time. I ended up on the coach sat with some Isreali and Irish people who I'm now sharing with in Hampi.

So today in Hampi after arriving very early. I've lazed about had breakfast and been to visit a temple (which included a long walk in sweltering heats - 37 degrees no less but don't worry I'm taking care of myself) and there are monkeys here lots of them.

I'm feeling better than I did yesterday but still not really enjoying myself at the moment and the prodpect of doing this for another 6 weeks isn't seeming appealing. I'm going to keep on going for a few more days then see how I feel.

Sorry for such a gloomy post but couldn't bring myself to sit an type how much fun I'm having when the past few days I haven't been. Also can I apologise for my spelling and punctuation I'm doing this on a keyboard with no letters and the comma doesn't work.

I'm missing you all lots and'll in in touch in a few days with a hopefully happier post.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Old Goa, 26.03.09

Got up early this morning and spent the day ambling around old Goa. Quite why you need so many Cathedral and Churches in such a small area remains a mystery to me. Got to Old Goa on a local bus (first one I've caught since I've been here) which was very exciting and cheap. Spent the day walking roumd one church after another and I have to admit that they all tended to blur into one after a while, all very similar.

Walked around the Indian Archelogical Museum, this seemed to consist of a couple of statues of Hindu and Christian origin and then the portraits. The portrait gallery is where they have hung all the official portraits of the Portuguese Viceroys of Goa. This is all very good and well but when they have ruled the area from the 16th century to the late 20th century and on average each one only lasting about 2 years, its alot of bloody portraits. It was only in the late 19th century that the style of these paintings even changed. So I am now sick to death of portraits. They up side was they had plenty of fans and chairs before the next slog.

After the trauma of the museum a break for lunch was required. Went to see a ruined church (was quite liking the novelty of the ruinedness), then looked around yet another church, this one had a dead dude in a glass coffin to look at, so at least something different. Said dead dude was Francis Xavier whose remains didn't decompose when he died, so they sainted him.

Off to Hampi tomorrow night (after another day in Panjim) so it'll be goodbye Goa, hello Karnatarka.

Panjim, Goa 25.03.09

I have to say, my start in Panjim wasn't the best. Extremely hungover after my last night in Vagator (some lovely regulars from the Mango Tree took me to Chapora for a night out, one of them even gave me a ride home on his motorbike) and completely sleep deprived I was finding that the heat was getting to me, more than usual. Anyway, pushed caution to the wind and set off out to see the city. Walked around a lot seeing the highlights of this very pretty city. Taking photos and just looking really. Went to a cool pub were everyone writes on the walls, had a refreshing Kingfisher (it made me feel alot better) and then more to walking round.
Felt a bit home sick all day but it seems to have past now.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lazy Days in Vagator.

I'm still in Vagator. I have spent the last few days much as the few days before. Wandering aimlessly between the beach, pub and my hotel. I have become quite a regular at the bar. I find that I seem to fit in quite well there. I have been clubbing twice. The second time of which, I was told I was not allowed to sit in a chair as the Miss India contestants were about to arrive (prettier than last year but not really standing a chance internationally, I was informed by a young man with a keen interest in the competition). I went to a party last night in a field. So sat surrounded by Russians watching people dance in a bizarre assortment of clothes.
Anyhow I'm going to laze here for one more day and then travel to Panjim and do more touristy things.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Being Lazy in Goa.

I haven't got much to say today. This is because I haven't been up to much really. My days have generally involved getting up having something to eat. Go for a bit of an explore, then wander down to the beach. Its been a hard couple of days. Don't worry I haven't yet managed to get a tan.

My hotel is very handily near to the pub so I've spent my evenings propping up the bar.

Tonight I'm been taken clubbing!! to a famous Goan nightclub! I'm guessing it will be fairly light on the rock front. Oh well.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Mumbai.

After my last post I discover that check out for my hotel was at 8am the next morning. With my train not leaving till 11pm, it meant I had another whole day in Mumbai, 'Next stop Goa' would have to wait a bit.
Its been an eventfull day and half. After finding out check out times I went back to my room with every intention of reading my book on the balcony and having an early night. Well I've never been good at sticking to a plan. My evening involved going on a beer hunt (failed) with a male Aussie escort (not that kind of escort, silly) and finding a Scotsman talking to an air conditioning unit, it was fun if not a little strange.

I managed to get up in time for checkout and went for breakfast. Walked along the seafront to Chowpatti beach and back. Remembered to get my camera out for the first time, so I actually have some pictorial evidence that I'm in India, they'll be online as soon as I find an internet cafe that'll let me do that. Was bored and decided to go and watch them play cricket at Oval Madian. Amazingly there was no one playing, apparently it was too early in the morning and here was me thinking they played 24hours a day. So completely bored and with nothing better to do I went to the pub.

After a couple of hours wasted decided to splash out and go and explore Elephanta Island (disappointingly inaccurate name). Unfortunatley whilst there the inevital finally happed and I was mugged. Okay, so a monkey stole a bottle of coke out my rucksack. In my head that still counts. The island has 5 Hindu cave temples to walk round. The sculptures are pretty impressive but I expected the cave complex to be bigger. I have high hopes of visiting Ellora later which is better apparently. I whiled away a good half hour trying to get a picture of the huge Birds of prey all around Mumbai, they fly really close but seem to know when you are trying to take a picture. Ended up taking pictures of cows instead. There was a really cute baby/small one that then decided to follow me down the jetty.

Spent the next four hours in CST train station waiting for my train. I had confirmed my booking and got on the train. It came as a bit of a shock when I discovered that I had to share my sleeper berth with someone else. The poor man looked petrified, even at my offer of him having the pillow. Eventually he was allocated a berth somewhere else and I got some sleep. The trains are awesome. It was so much fun trying to sleep on a train. I love the trains here. I was feeling brave when I got to Goa and got an Auto Rickshaw for the half hour journey to my hotel. I pretty much spent the whole time convinced I was going to die and trying to work out the best way to position my bag as to pad me in a crash. Anyhow now I'm here in one piece, I'm wearing the smallest clothes I own, have just got back from the beach and am gonna go to the pub for some lunch.

Monday, March 16, 2009


So I've finally got on my way. I landed in Mumbai yesterday lunchtime somewhat tired and bewildered. My adventure began with a taxi driver who drove round for an hour before admitting that he had no idea where he was going. So in wisdom derived from my lack of sleep fuddled brain, I tried to give him directions. With the help of some very nice passers by we eventually reached my hotel (we had driven past it twice). Anyhow it was like having a personnal tour of the city, which I would never have done otherwise.
I have to admit it was all a bit daunting and had all but decided to spend the day lounging about in the hotel. However after an hours kip, I decided to stop being silly and venture outside. I spent the past two days, dodging traffic, sightseeing, ignoring beggars and eating. I don't know how I've managed to go so long without being run over. The drivers here seem to use there horns instead of brakes and what was a two lane road of traffic suddenly becomes four because people can't be bothered to wait. The only time they seem to drive a bit more carefully is around the many street cricket matches that are everywhere.
It's very boisterous and lively and I can't imagine spending much more time here and am looking forward to going to Goa tomorrow evening.
Also I get the exciting prospect of a sleeper train.
Amazingly the telly in my hotel room had a channel which was showing the rugby. So at a bizarrly late hour last night I got to watch the match.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Right then, tomorrow is the day.
I'm nearly all packed, just my hand luggage to go. This cannot be too heavy, as at the moment I am able to just about carry my bag.

I've booked my seat on the plane, next to the window, obviously. I know it will be dark, but I'm going to be slightly excitable so night vision will come into effect.

Next stop Mumbai.....

Nervous? me? never!!!