Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So after spending a couple of days being lazy and wondering aimlessly around Darjeeling and happening upon people I've already met, then going for tea and cake (its that kind of town), I finally got off my lazy arse and did something yesterday.

I went to the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute. To get there I also had to visit the zoo (joint access and on the same ticket), so after walking past some very sad looking animals (incl. a snow leopard, which I'm pretty sure I could take in a fight - with or without guild backing, Mark!) I got to the insititute. The whole place originated of the back of a certain Mr Norgays accomplishments. As such its kind of a little shrine to him and his fellow successful Sherpas, which is quite nice. The whole place is a bit run down but apparently the new museum will be opening soon. Got to see loads of the original equipment used by Mr Norgay and other succesful Everest, K2, Kangchenzonga (apparently they only stopped people climbing it quite recently) climbs which was quite cool.

Walked round the rest of the zoo, it seemed rude not to as I'd already payed and saw some more pretty miserable looking animals.

After the zoo I walked to the Happy Valley Tea Plantation, went on a tour of the factory (not much to see, seems like a pretty simple process) pointed out that I don't actually like Darjeeling tea (shock / horror) even if it is the stuff they sell at Harrods and therefore don't want to buy any. Had a walk round the tea plantation, which was very nice. I quite bizarrely had a Indian General pointed out to me and from the way the guide was acting I think I am supposed to have heard of him, needless to say I hadn't, oh well.

Today so far I have failed to find a Buddhist monastary. I'm going to try a different route and go to Observation hill where there are monkeys apparently.

I've booked my coach ticket to Kathmandhu for tomorrow, so should get there on Friday. I have the luxury of a hot shower in the hotel I'm booked in to, to look forward to. After spending nearly two weeks in a place where there is severe water shortages and a bucket of water to wash in, this is bliss.

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